Thursday, July 03, 2008

Don't try this... pretty much anywhere else, really

We're currently in a cycle of mid-summer rains. The days start out clear and bright. Clouds gather throughout the day. Mid- to late-afternoon brings showers, usually just sprinkles, sometimes a bit heavier, or maybe the clouds and thunder just bluff us out.

Yesterday, it was sprinkling as Scooter and I walked to catch the bus--a little further than we've had to go in the past since our usual stop has been torn up as part of a summer construction project. But the bus came just before the sky really opened up. The bus driver was taking pity on his passengers and even dropped us off in our cul-de-sac.

Today, I thought we would again beat the worst of the rain. But I was wrong. The sprinkles gave way to a steady rain. I held an umbrella over Scooter for part of the way (since it provides him no real protection if I hold it high enough to cover myself), but he still got wet and cold. We got to our stop about eight minutes early--and given the construction, I knew it was possible that the bus would be running another five to ten minutes behind, depending on how badly the construction is holding up traffic. I considered calling Trillian to pick us up, but knew that it would probably take as long for her to get there as the bus. So I was resigned to a further soaking.

When a woman in a minivan pulled up, asked if I needed a ride. I told her I was waiting on the bus and was headed to a further out neighborhood. She said it was really no problem, although she didn't have a car seat for Scooter. But since he's in a belt-positioning booster nowadays, I decided that it would be OK*, and we climbed in. Seriously, woman I've never met, randomly pulls up, and I get in with my child.

But that's the sort of thing that happens in this town. And, as also happens in this town, it turns out her oldest child will be in kindergarten at the same school as Scooter. Plus, when I gave her directions to our house, she named a woman she knew over there--the woman we bought the house from!

What can I say? It's a small town.

*I read at some point that a safety study showed that for kids over two, regular safety belts, worn properly, are pretty much as effective as car seats. I didn't go ditching the car seat as a result of this, but figure it's something to keep in mind for situations like today.


Anonymous said...

That wouldn't happen here in Toronto. Or, well, it might, but you couldn't get into the car. How lucky for you to live in such a wonderful place.

Aliki2006 said...

It's a wonderful feeling to have such a safe-feeling and closeness with the people around you!

b*babbler said...

Isn't small town great? My family is from a town so small that as soon as people (whom you've never met) see you, they say "oh, you're so-and-so's-daughter based on family resemblance alone.