Friday, August 18, 2006

Dorkus Malorkus

Really, truly, I understand computing and could almost qualify as techno-savvy (though my wife definitely deserves the title more than I).

But I kept myself somewhat ignorant of blog technology on purpose. Time suck and all of that. Obviously I gave in to some degree.

I say "to some degree," because apparently I didn't quite understand my Blogger settings.

So here's the deal: comments were set to "moderate." I did not enter an email address. I did not realize that there was a tab I needed to be checking so that I could approve comments.

Instead, I looked at the commentless state of my blog and thought sad things like "I guess nobody's reading" and encouraging things like "it's not about the comments, it's about the writing" and "you've only been doing this for a few weeks, it takes a while for people to find a new blog."


So anyways, thank you very much to those who have commented. I have approved all comments and fixed my settings so that things should proceed much more smoothly from now on.

But don't hold your breath.


Bea said...

"Instead, I looked at the commentless state of my blog and thought sad things like "I guess nobody's reading" and encouraging things like "it's not about the comments, it's about the writing" and "you've only been doing this for a few weeks, it takes a while for people to find a new blog.""

That's the saddest thing I ever heard!!! There's nothing sweeter than that first comment - I'm glad you finally found them.

Mouse said...

I try very hard not to rely on external approval, and am actually quite secure in many aspects of my life. But there's a little Sally Field in me saying, "You read me, you really read me."

And of course, I would have had that happy moment a 1 1/2 weeks earlier (!) if only I'd looked more carefully at my settings. As always, I remain my biggest impediment.